Randall Messier

Randall Messier

Randall Messier

Randy Messier, LLC, United States

Director of Team Coaching at the Institute for Excellence in Health and Social Systems at the University of New Hampshire and an experienced leader, teacher, researcher and coach with extensive experience managing multiple community based practices, hospital based programs and leadership development in quality improvement. Randall is a certified Clinical Microsystems Quality Improvement Coach from The Dartmouth Institute at Dartmouth College and a Primary Care Medical Home Certified Content Expert from the National Committee on Quality Assurance.


Randall Messier has a Master of Science in Administration St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT. He also has a B.S. Degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, Cum Laude and a certificate in the Fundamentals of Value-Based Health Care, Geisel School of Medicine Dartmouth.

Large system improvement strategy from micro-meso-macro-meta system design and cascading measures

The programme for Microsystem festival 2022 will be build around the five success factors for high performing clinical microsystems.

Each stream will be devoted to one of the success factors and it will comprise of a key-note, a few presentations of improvement work and cases and an international team work problem- solving challenge facilitated by a coach from Qulturum, Region Jönköping County.

At the festival, you will be given many opportunities to exchange experiences and ideas with people from all over the world. People, who share your passion for microsystems and quality improvement and who come to the festival because they believe in the power of Synergy and the importance of spreading Energy for change.